Maritime Environmental Preparedness

Incidents of pollution at sea occur both large and small. We deliver products that we know perform. Often it is about inexpensive products that are easy to use but can make a big difference when accident has happened. Either to take up spillage from a broken hydraulic hose on deck, over bunkering at a feed barge or to limit the damaging effects of a larger oil spill that could threaten the fish farm.

ECOSORB Oil Boom absorbs oil spill on fish farm

Prevent spills from happening

Correct storage.

Different requirements are set for the storage of chemicals, and the aquaculture industry often relates to requirements in certifications that are both stricter and more specific than what is in the law. We supply storage solutions that satisfy requirements for, among other things, 110% of the contents. Find the solution for your company, whether you need a small chemical cabinet, storage of IBC 1000l or a tailored environmental container for storing larger quantities of chemicals

The company is responsible for ensuring that chemicals are stored in a safe and secure manner. Reduce the risk of spills by storing oil and chemicals correctly. Accidents involving chemicals can pose a danger to life and health, damage to the environment and potentially large financial consequences for a company. The responsible polluter will be held responsible for the cost of clean-up. This can be expensive, especially if the soil is contaminated. We have a number of storage solutions which, among other things, satisfy requirements for collection and access restriction.

Chemical storage solutions

Limit the consequences of spills

Optimal handling and clean-up of emissions

Handle the situation as best as possible. Reduce the consequences of a spill with the right equipment and training in its use. In the event of a spill with oil or diesel, you must react quickly. Make sure you have the right type of Spill Kit, absorbents/lenses readily available where incidents may occur. Access to the right equipment and personnel who have received training in its use can reduce the consequences of a spill. 

Illustration - Dealing with Oil Spill - @AllMaritim AS

Get in touch if you have questions or want more information about any of our products.